
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer novAA® 400P

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer novAA® 400P


Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | info@analytik-jena.com


novAA® 400 P

  • Fully integrated bench top compact AA spectrometer incorporating all atomizer and spectrometer components in a single instrument
  • External PC-controlled system is fitted with a fully automated 8-lamp turret with automatic lamp alignment and the Dual Optics-combination of single and double beam


Optical system

  • Flame technology § Graphite furnace

§ Hydride technology
§ HydrEA technology
§ Direct solids analysis

  • Flame technology
  • Hydride technology
  • Graphite furnace technology
  • HydrEA technology
  • Directsolids analysis
  • All optics are coated with a protective seal and double sealed with a special lightproof cover for enhanced stray light rejection and prevention of dust contamination
  • Measurementmodesofatomicabsorptionandemission



Wavelength range Grating

Focal length Slits

Optical Bench Detector


Background Correction

  • OptimizedCzerny-Turner-Designwithtwofocallengths,automated wavelength selection, peaking and slit selection
  • TrueDoubleBeammodewithbeamsplitter(80:20) 185-900 nm
Holographic grating with 1800 lines/ mm
350/ 389 mm

Automated slit selection 0.2; 0.5; 0.8 and 1.2 nm

Optical parts are mounted on a strong and compact cast aluminium basic plate for strength and stability with a cover to prevent dust, vapour and humidity ingress

Standard wide range UV sensitive photomultiplier

  • Automated 8-lamp turret with independent lamp power supply to each lamp each with two heating circuits for lamp preheating operation
  • IntegratedpowersupplyforboostedHCLs(SuperLamps)
§ RFID-Tool for coded lamps for automatic recognition of lamp type,

element, time of operation, operation current and more

  • Ultra fast background correction using a Deuterium Hollow Cathode lamp with high clocking frequency (300 Hz)
  • Leads to a concept for optimum background compensation of up to 3 Abs with superior S/N-ratio due to the identical absorption profile of the D2 and element lamp
  • Thelampiseasytoreplace,adjustandoptimisebytheuser


Technical data novAA® 400P│Update 08.09.2014 | OBue 2/ 5 Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | info@analytik-jena.com


Flame System

Burner-Nebulizer- System

Spray Chamber Gas Controls

Safety Functions

  •  All-titanium,5cm/10cmsingleslotburnerforair/acetyleneflame and 5 cm burner for acetylene/nitrous oxide flame are available and each is coded for automatic recognition
  •  Theybothutiliseawideslitprofiletopreventagainstincrustation, with reproducible burner rotation and easy change over by bayonet coupling
  •  Automaticcleaningdevicefor5cmburnerhead(Scraper)
  •  AdjustablenebulizerwithinternalPt/Rhcapillaryandacidresistant 
ceramic impact bead 
PPS spray chamber with mixing wing for aqueous and organic solutions
  •  Fully computer controlled Total Flow Gas box with dual fuel and oxidant monitoring for constant and stable control of the fuel/ oxidant ratio
  •  Computer controlled automated flame ignition with automatic input of additional gases for organic solvents
  •  Sensor controls ensure the use of the correct burner head, check the siphon system, monitor the liquid level in the drain vessel
  •  Ensurecorrectoperatinggaspressuresaremaintained
  •  In the event of over pressurisation of the spray chamber, flame not detected or system power failure safety interlocks shut down the 
gases automatically


Hydride and Hg generation

  • ModularHg-/Hydridesystemsforthedeterminationofhydride-formingelementsandHgin Batch or Flow Injection modes
  •  Optionalamalgamationunit
  •  Integratedelectrothermalheatingunit
  •  Connectiontoautosamplerispossible 
HydrEA technique
  •  Combinationofhydrideandgraphitefurnacetechniqueforthedeterminationofhydride forming elements
  •  Improveddetectionsensitivity-enrichmentinthegraphitetube


Technical data novAA® 400P│Update 08.09.2014 | OBue
Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | info@analytik-jena.com

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Graphite Furnace

  •  Integratedcomputer-controlledTransverselyHeatedGraphiteFurnace
  •  Graphite tube is transversely heated to provide a constant temperature profile over the 
entire length of the tube and to reduce matrix interferences
  •  Independent gas controls for the external and internal gas flows around and through the 
tube allow easy removal of volatile matrices whilst protecting the tube from outside air 
during the internal gas stop hence maximizing tube life
  •  The advanced furnace concept, utilising the adaptive sensor-less temperature control and 
emission independent temperature control ensures constant, precise, reproducible and 
accurate temperature conditions from analysis to analysis, batch to batch
  •  Changeoverfromflametofurnaceorbackisextremelyeasyandpneumaticopeningand 
closing of the furnace allows easy change of tubes or electrodes
  •  Optionalhigh-endvisiontool-furnacecamera 
Analytical programs with up to 20 steps can be set up and all steps are easily programmable, safety interlocks monitor all important parameters

Temperature Gas Flow

Graphite Tube Windows


  • Programmableupto3000°Cinstepsof1°C § Maximumlinearheatingrate3000°C/s
  • SeparatecontrolofinertgasflowofArgon
§ Programmable in 4 steps from 0 up to a max gas flow of 2 L/min for

internal and external flow rates

System uses either pyrolytic graphite coated tubes with patented platform technique or tube atomisation without platform

Quartz end windows for high light transmission

  • A closed circuit, computer controlled cooling system is required which is optimised to save time, water and provide stable conditions § Water temperature during operation is approx. 38 °C with a flow

rate of 3 L/min
§ Dimensions:260mmx660mmx560mm


Technical data novAA® 400P│Update 08.09.2014 | OBue 4/ 5 Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | info@analytik-jena.com


Furnace Autosampler

  •  The highly intelligent autosampler offers maximum flexibility and control for any sample type or matrix
  •  There is a corrosion resistant 108- position sample tray with random-access positions for matrix modifiers, standards and samples
  •  Automatic dilutions, addition of up to five different modifiers are available with flexibility to make multiple injections on hot or cold tubes, or preparation of standard additions
  •  Injection volumes from 1 to 50 μL in increments of 1 μL are user selectable
  •  All rinse cycles are freely programmable and an integrated pump and overflow container provide pipette tip washing and prevention of cross contamination
  •  The system offers automatic calibration of up to 65 points from one or more stock solutions and dilution by volume reduction or intelligent dilution in optional external mixing vessel, fully automatic and PC controlled 
790 mm x 645 mm x 735 mm 140 kg 
§ Temperature+10°Cupto35°C § Rel.humiditymax.90%at+30°C § Noncondensing

Dimensions (W x H x D)


Environmental Requirements

Power Requirements

Technical Standards

230V (±10%); 50/60Hz, slow fuse with 35 A,
2100 VA

  •  Testedanddesignedtobecompliantwiththelegalrequirements 
for laboratory instrumentation and developed and produced in 
compliance with ISO 9001
  •  novAAseriesinstrumentsarecertifiedtocomplywiththe 
requirements of the EMC standards and bear the CE Mark
  •  EN61010-1-1;EN61010-2-061;IEC61010-2-061;EN50082;EN 
Subject to changes in design and scope of delivery as well as further technical development!


230V (±10%); 50/60Hz, 250 VA

230V (±10%); 50/60Hz, slow fuse with 35 A,
2100 VA


Technical data novAA® 400P│Update 08.09.2014 | OBue 5/ 5 Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | info@analytik-jena.com

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